Op2023 Registration

Immagine 2023-03-02 102127




Registration deadline: August 31st 2023

Regular fee: 

€ 600,00 (VAT incl.). Social dinner NOT included.
Includes conference kit, two tutorials, welcome event on September 10th, lunches, coffee breaks.

€ 665,00 (VAT incl.). Social dinner included.
Includes conference kit, two tutorials, welcome event on September 10th, lunches, coffee breaks.


Student fee: 

€ 400,00 (VAT incl.). Social dinner NOT included.
Includes conference kit, two tutorials, welcome event on September 10th, lunches, coffee breaks.

€ 465,00 (VAT incl.). Social dinner included.
Includes conference kit, two tutorials, welcome event on September 10th, lunches, coffee breaks.


Invited speakers fee:

€ 450,00 (VAT incl.). Social dinner NOT included.
Includes conference kit, two tutorials, welcome event on September 10th, lunches, coffee breaks.

€ 515,00 (VAT incl.). Social dinner included
Includes conference kit, two tutorials, welcome event on September 10th, lunches, coffee breaks.


Social dinner fee for accompanying persons: € 65,00 (VAT incl.).
The social dinner will take place on September 14th. Please confirm your participation by July 15th. No tickets will be available after the deadline. Please note that on the invoice you will find the sentence “social event”.




Personal information (required)





Country of Origin: USA France Italy Germany Israel Switzerland
Other (Specify)

Email address

 Postdoctoral Researcher Junior Independent Researcher Senior Independent Researcher PhD

Do you wish to propose an oral contribution? (Talk or Flash Talk)  Talk Flash Talk

(IF YES) Please provide an abstract here (200 words)

Please provide a brief CV in text form here (200 words)

Please provide a motivation letter in text form here (200 words)

Do you wish to apply for a fee waiver YES / NO (You will have to advance the fee in order to register and it will be reimbursed by POLS afterwards)

Please justify your request here (50 words)

Do you wish to apply for a travel grant? YES / NO (You will have to book your housing and travel independently and it will be reimbursed by POLS afterwards. Separate travel grants will be availlable for US Students, EU/IL Students, students from developing countries, covering travel and stay up to a maximum allowance)

Please justify your request here (50 words)

A limited number of double rooms is available in the ICTP Guesthouse.
This is a spartan accommodation but convenient as it is on campus and inexpensive. Selected applicants will pay directly ICTP for the reserved rooms. Guesthouse stay will be in shared accommodation (double rooms) for PhD students and postdocs and single occupancy for senior attendees.

For double occupancy, you can specify the name of a desired roommate here

Are you also applying for the PoLS Olfaction Satellite Workshop? YES / NO Please note that you can (and need to) apply independently for the two events (and attend them independently). The link to the olfaction satellite workshop web site will be published on the POLS web sites as soon as it is ready.

Given limited space (160 people) we might need to select participants.
If you are selected for attendance, you will be asked to register, with registration deadline 1 May. Registration can be carried out only after receiving e-mail confirmation that your application has been accepted.
*The conference Registration Fee is 250 euros (required upon registration)*. The fee includes admittance, coffee breaks, and social dinner. The fee does not include the stay, transportation costs to/from the ICTP or other meals.

Food allergies/vegetarian/vegan preferences (50 words)

Other remarks (50 words)

By submitting this registration form you authorise Fondazione Alessandro Volta to include your personal data on its mailing list for the distribution of information material. We will never share your personal data with any third party.
According to the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, you may have access to these details at any time and request their modification and cancellation sending an email to: info@fondazionealessandrovolta.it